Uruguay was the first country we visited as full-time travelers in 2014 – and, for that, it will always be memorable. Within hours of landing in the capital city of Montevideo, we had struggles. My feet already had blisters, everything was more expensive than we imagined and, two days later, we were taken by surprise of a major holiday that shut down the entire city. Even so, we got out and saw the sights and ventured to the nearby historic town of Colonia de Sacramento.
After Montevideo, we spent the next two weeks de-stressing and decompressing on the beach in Punta del Diablo. The coastal village is a popular summer escape, but we arrived after the crowds had left and had it practically all to ourselves.
Uruguay Facts:
Capital City: Montevideo
Country Population: 3.5 Million
Language: Spanish
Useful Words and Phrases: Hello - Hola | Thank You – Gracias
Currency: Uruguayan Peso | Current Value
Uruguay Guides:
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