7 Tips for How To Stay Healthy While Traveling by JetSettingFools.com

7 Tips For How To Stay Healthy While Traveling

Let me start by saying that I am not a doctor; I am a traveler. A full-time traveler, actually. One of my biggest concerns when we started our nomadic adventures in 2014 was how to stay healthy while traveling.

Germs lurk in the spaces where travelers spend most of their time: airplanes, buses, trains, crowded attractions and hotel rooms (among other places!).… Read the rest

Top Paris Travel Tips by JetSettingFools.com

Top Paris Travel Tips to Plan the Perfect Vacation

Planning a Paris vacation is a tremendous undertaking. From sightseeing agendas to trip logistics, you’re likley staring at a lengthy checklist. Don’t stress! Our Paris Travel Tips tackles it all, helping you to easily plan your amazing trip.  

Paris is one of our favorite places to visit – and we have been tasked with planning a variety of experiences.… Read the rest