Tbilisi Sulphur Baths Our Experience by JetSettingFools.com

Tbilisi Sulphur Baths: Our Experience

Tbilisi, Georgia isn’t just a city you visit, it’s a city you experience. That means over-indulging in carb-loaded cuisine, accepting shots of homemade chacha (and trying not to wince as the potent liquor hits your stomach). It also means tripping over broken sidewalks in the Tbilisi Old Town while wondering in amazement at the barely-standing buildings…and making a visit to the Tbilisi sulphur baths.… Read the rest

Housesitting for the holidays Dog Sit Christmas by JetSettingFools.com

Housesitting For The Holidays: Celebrating Christmas Pet Sitting

Housesitting over the Holidays is one of the best ways to spend Christmas! Since we started traveling full time in 2014, we have taken on the responsibilities of pet sitting over Christmas on numerous occasions – and we think it is an absolutely wonderful way to celebrate the Holiday Season!… Read the rest

Chiang Mai Massage: The Best Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand by JetSettingFools.com

Chiang Mai Massage: The Best Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand

On our first trip to Chiang Mai, I couldn’t wait to get a real Thai massage. Shops offering massages line the streets of the Old City. Advertisements show masseuses twisting clients into strange, pretzel-like positions. For whatever reason (perhaps it had something to do with four straight months of lugging around a too-heavy-backpack), a vigorous Chiang Mai massage completely appealed to me.… Read the rest

Getting to Zancudo, Costa Rica Golfito Airport JetSetting Fools

Getting to Zancudo, Costa Rica

This post is the first in a series of Zancudo, Costa Rica Travel Stories. 


Getting to Zancudo, Costa Rica

Getting to Zancudo, Costa Rica on a Cessna 208 JetSetting Fools

It was during our housesit in the Netherlands that Zancudo, Costa Rica became our next destination. We made the decision before we considered how we would get there…before we learned just how off-the-beaten-path Zancudo, Costa Rica is.… Read the rest