Madeira Food What and Where to Eat in Funchal by

Madeira Food: What and Where to Eat in Funchal

Indulging in local Madeira food is a highlight of any trip to the tropical island. Uniquely different from mainland Portuguese fare, the cuisine on Madeira Island is fresh, local and absolutely delicious!

During our stay, we enjoyed an array of traditional Madeiran foods and sought out some of the best restaurants in Funchal that are known for serving local dishes.… Read the rest

The Best Food in Iceland Things To Eat in Reykjavik by

Best Things To Eat in Reykjavik, Iceland (and What It Costs)

What to eat in Iceland? It’s a question some visitors ponder – as the food in Iceland is so…foreign. Many travelers have heard the tales of traditional Icelandic cuisine that makes some stomachs turn squeamish. Don’t worry – we have tips for what to eat in Reykjavik (and the rest of Iceland) that are absolutely delicious!… Read the rest