The Best Food in Iceland Things To Eat in Reykjavik by

Best Things To Eat in Reykjavik, Iceland (and What It Costs)

What to eat in Iceland? It’s a question some visitors ponder – as the food in Iceland is so…foreign. Many travelers have heard the tales of traditional Icelandic cuisine that makes some stomachs turn squeamish. Don’t worry – we have tips for what to eat in Reykjavik (and the rest of Iceland) that are absolutely delicious!… Read the rest

Porto Food: What and Where To Eat in Porto, Portugal by

Best Porto Food: What and Where To Eat in Porto, Portugal

Eating Porto food is a highlight of any trip to Portugal. From meaty sandwiches to hearty casseroles to sweet treats, there is a long list of must-try Porto dishes.

During our numerous visits to Portugal, we have ventured into a hefty number of the excellent restaurants in Porto in search of delectable local cuisine.… Read the rest